Stack-Island Brackeys Gamejam24

Woah! What a ride that was. After an All-nighter, I can say I'm happy with the results. 

Welcome to Stack Island!

A paradise of Items to stack! Here we appreciate the Sunny Serenity while preparing for The Upcoming STORM every night!

1. The Storm Destroys all that is out of the Safe Zone! Woopsiiiiii  2. The Storm Gains height every level, and one can survive by staying higher than the storm! But Pay Attention, the Storm's Height is not all you could care about.  3. We the inhabitants, like to take cover from the storm while staying in the Safe Zone.  

PhotoSensitivity Notice: There is a quick 2-frame flicker when the storm(lightning) hits the island. 

Enjoy your stay! And try Not to Get Blown Away! HeHe

Files 767 MB
Version 4 89 days ago

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